How to Promote Better Sleep
Use the bedroom for sleep. Train your body to associate the bedroom and bed with sleep. Do not watch television in bed or work on the computer right before going to bed. Activities of this nature stimulate the brain and delay sleep.
Lower your caffeine intake. Cut back on caffeine to help improve sleep qualify. Too much caffeine (especially before bedtime) keeps the mind alert and might cause insomnia.
Block out noise and lights. Sleep in complete darkness and turn off radios. Use earplugs if necessary to block out sounds.
Exercise during the daytime. Walk, bike or do aerobic exercises at least 30 minutes a day to help improve sleep. Do not exercise close to bedtime. This can stimulate your brain and reduce the quality of sleep.
Quit taking long naps during the day. Sleeping for hours during the day can keep you up at night and contribute to daytime drowsiness. Limit naps to 30 minutes.
Improve sleep naturally with melatonin. Experiment with this natural relaxant and sleep aid available from vitamin stores. Take as instructed (30 minutes before bedtime) to relax your mind and body and induce sleep.