How to Help Prevent Snoring
Strengthen the muscles in your tongue and throat. When the muscles in your throat and tongue are relaxed, this causes that tongue to fall backward and block your throat so the air has a hard time getting through. An example of a throat and tongue exercise is to place a pencil between your teeth, and hold it without too much pressure for five minutes. Or you can push the tip of your tongue against the bottom row of teeth and hold it for five minutes.
Lose weight. Excess weight, especially in the neck area, can cause a person to snore. This is because there is extra pressure on the throat, making it hard for air to flow through.
Clear out your nasal passages to help stop snoring. Clear out your nasal passages. If you are suffering from a cold or a stuffed-up nose, this could cause you to snore. Blow your nose or use a nasal irrigation system to help clear out the congestion in your sinus passages.
Change position when you sleep to stop snoring. Sleep in a different position to help stop snoring. You are more likely to snore when you lie on your back. In this position, your throat and tongue have a better chance of relaxing, causing obstruction to your airway. Try sleeping on your side instead.
Stop smoking to help a snoring problem. Stop smoking to help your snoring problem. Smoking can cause the airway to be blocked, as the smoke irritates the membranes that are in your nose and throat.
Reduce or eliminate alcohol. Reduce the amount of alcohol or sedatives you take around bedtime. It is best to eliminate alcohol from your diet altogether, as alcohol can relax your throat and tongue more than normal.