How to Stop Snoring With a Mask
Things You'll Need
- CPAP machine
- CPAP mask
Choosing a Mask
Visit your doctor to discuss snoring problems. If he prescribes a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airways Pressure) machine, you will be required to choose between a range of different CPAP masks. With choices of full face CPAP masks and nasal CPAP masks, snorers most commonly purchase the latter.
Attach the CPAP mask to the face or nose before sleep. The machine will blow air into the airways at high pressure, ensuring easeful breathing. If you use the mask correctly, it can prevent snoring.
Ensure that the mask is comfortable. Experimenting with a range of masks will enable you to make an informed choice. One of the most common side effects of the mask is that it disrupts sleep due to causing discomfort for the wearer. You ca purchase masks with headgears and cushions for extra comfort.
Choose a mask that fits well. A poorly fitting mask will not function adequately. If it is too loose, air will leak out of the sides. If it is too tight, the mask can cause irritation of the eyes and skin.
Monitor the effects of the mask. If you use it correctly and consistently, the mask can improve concentration and alertness, restore sleeping patterns, reduce daytime fatigue and increase productivity.
Watch out for side effects. Headaches, abdominal swelling, sneezing, skin and eye irritation and nose bleeding are all possible physical reactions to the mask. If these persist, experiment with other masks.