Parasite Effects on Skin
These microscopic parasites inhabit underneath the top layer of skin on any area of the body. The effects of scabies are skin itching and red bumps appearing on the outer surface of the afflicted areas. Seeing wavy lines on the skin indicates the path of the traveling infestation.
These skin parasites attach onto the skin with their claws, usually around the wrists, ankles and skin folds. Chiggers are not as severe as scabies, as chiggers only feed on a host for a few days and then leave. Effects on the skin include hives, itchiness and rashes.
Treating Skin Parasites
Doctors are able to prescribe medicinal lotions to help relieve an individual of scabies. Chigger treatment mainly comes down to prescribing medicine to ease itching symptoms, as these parasites will quickly leave the host in a couple of days.
How to Avoid Skin Parasites
The best way to prevent scabies is to avoid contact with individuals who are infected. Chiggers do not often move from person to person, but tend to live in tall grassy areas, so minimizing contact with these places is often recommended.