Facts About Snoring
Sleep relaxes the muscles of the tongue and throat so that they partially block and constrict the airway. This causes air to travel faster through the airway, making the muscles vibrate enough to create sound. More blockage causes more vibration.
Related Conditions
Besides excess fat, other causes of airway obstruction include nasal congestion and anatomical anomalies like a deviated septum, enlarged tonsils or other tissues at the back of the throat, or an elongated uvula. Excess alcohol consumption can also cause throat muscles to relax and block the throat.
Sleep Apnea
Sometimes complete or nearly complete obstruction of the airway occurs. Breathing may stop completely until the lack of oxygen causes the patient to wake, according to the Mayo Clinic. In sleep apnea, breathing slows or stops five or more times an hour.
Treatment ranges from changing sleep positions, weight loss, oral appliances fitted by a dental specialist, wearing a pressurized mask to force air through the airway or surgical removal of specific tissue.