Tips on Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Warm Bath
Taking a warm bath can help relax your body and prepare you for a good night's sleep. Slip into a tub full of warm water to relax your muscles and soothe tension. Add essential oils to further your relaxation. According to, "Studies have show that the top five (relaxing essential oils) are lavender, chamomile, bergamot, sandalwood and mandarin." A few drops in your bathwater will create a soothing atmosphere.
Yoga Exercises
Yoga exercises have been used for centuries to aid in circulation, flexibility, spiritual awakening and overall health. Performing simple yoga exercises before bedtime relaxes your mind and body to help you get a better night's sleep. If you are a beginner, try basic poses to prevent injury, such as Child's Pose or Rock-a-Bye-Roll. These poses won't elevate your heart rate the way other poses do. Simple stretches will help your body relax as well. Pleasant music in the background and deep breathing will also help.
Get Comfortable
Decorate your bedroom in a calming design. According to, "...look for cool tones like light blues, greens, grays and lavenders for a truly relaxing environment." Also, choose bedding that is soft and comfortable. Everything from the type of mattress you choose to the bedding should be customized to your personal preference. If you are comfortable in your room, then you will get a better night's sleep.
Set Your Inner Clock
Waking up and going to bed at the same time each day will help you get a better night's sleep. After a repeated timeframe, your body will naturally develop an internal clock. You will soon find yourself waking up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. Avoid taking naps during the daytime. Naps will throw off your sleep schedule and cause you to have a bad night's rest.