Easy Ways to Stop Snoring
Things You'll Need
- Decongestants
- Nasal strips
- Mouth guard
Lose weight. If you are overweight, you may have excess fat and bulk that makes it difficult for the airway to remain fully open when you are in the sleeping position. Losing weight may get rid of some of the excess throat tissue and reduce snoring.
Open your airway. Your airway may be obstructed while you sleep because you sleep on your back. Try sleeping on your side. Alternatively, raise the head of your bed four to six inches above the foot of your bed to elevate your upper body and reduce some of the pressure being put on your airway.
Get better sleep. Getting a healthy amount of sleep regularly may improve your snoring if it is not caused by blocked airways. Avoid sedatives like alcohol and other medications that may cause your throat muscles to become too relaxed and consequently collapse.
Use decongestants. People who have nasal congestion because of a cold, sinus infection or allergies often snore. Using a decongestant before bed to unblock your nasal passages can reduce snoring, but you should not use decongestants for long periods of time.
Try nasal strips. Nasal strips, like Breath Right, widen your nostrils and make the passageway through which air flows larger. This can reduce snoring.
Use a mouth guard. Mouth guards enlarge the airway and improve airflow by pushing the tongue and jaw forward. This method will be particularly effective if your snoring is caused by your jaw position.