How to Change the Sleep Cycle After Working the Night Shift
Treat yourself right Make sleep a priority. Ideally everyone should get seven to eight hours of sleep every 24 hours. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the first thing you need to do is go to bed as soon as possible after work. An eight hour shift tends to give people that "tired but wired" feeling that makes you want to run errands, hang out with friends or stay up and watch television. While there are always things that have to get done, your body craves routine, so establish a set time to go to bed and stick to it (that includes off days).
Set the stage Create an environment. Make sure your family, friends or roommates know how important it is for you to get your eight hours of sleep, and ask them to refrain from making too much noise. Start preparing for bed early by turning off the television and radio and dimming the lights an hour before you plan to go to sleep. Do something soothing like reading, writing or using aromatherapy to help you relax. If you have to, turn off your phone and use a sleep mask that blocks out the light.
Don't overdo it. Watch your diet. Caffeine stays in your system for up to six hours after it's consumed, so that last pick-me-up before the end of the night could wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. Remember, soft drinks and chocolate are a hidden source of caffeine, so try switching to decaffeinated coffee and soothing that sweet tooth with fruit or granola bars. If you're a smoker, nicotine is a stimulant and a cigarette right before bed will interrupt your sleep. Although alcohol acts as a depressant and you may fall asleep quickly, once your body goes into withdrawal, you are likely to experience fitful sleep.
Make the call. Get serious. If you're experiencing increased difficulty concentrating, memory problems or have any close calls while driving or operating machinery, it may be time to see a doctor or look into participating in a sleep study. Shift Work Disorder is a medically-recognized condition that can be treated with prescription medication and cognitive or behavioral therapy.