Remedies for Insomia
Poppy Seeds
According to, milk that is extracted from poppy seeds helps a person to sleep. Mix 1/2 tsp. sugar with 1 1/2 oz. poppy seed milk. Taste the mixture and add more sugar as needed. Drink it after dinner each night to get a full night's rest.
Fenugreek Leaves
The juice that is taken from fenugreek leaves can also be used as a home remedy for sleeplessness. Juice a fenugreek leaf and pour 2 tsp. of the juice into a cup. Add 1 tsp. honey to the juice and mix the two ingredients together. Drink the mixture before bed each night.
Banana Mixture
Bananas and cumin can be consumed before bed to fix sleeping problems. Spread 1 tbsp. cumin seeds onto a cookie sheet and roast the seeds in the oven. Peel a banana and mash it with a spoon. Mix the roasted seeds into the banana and eat the mixture.
Put a celery stalk with the leaves still intact into a juicer. Mix 1 tsp. of the celery juice with 1 tsp. honey and drink the mixture. This must be done once a day, preferably right before dinner time.
Valerian root is a natural nerve and muscle relaxer, according to Combine 1 tsp. valerian root with 1 tsp. chamomile flowers and 1 tsp. hops. Steep these ingredients into a cup of boiling water for 45 minutes. Drink this tea once a day an hour before bedtime. Sweeten the tea with honey if you wish.