How to Receive the Latest CPAP Equipment
One way of treating individuals who have sleep apnea is through a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. Included in this device is a mask, tubing and a fan. The CPAP uses air pressure to open your throat and push your tongue forward. Air is then allowed to pass through your throat. Snoring is reduced and apnea is prevented.
Visiting Your Doctor
Make an appointment with your pulmonary doctor. Go to the appointment and talk to your doctor about why you need an updated or newer CPAP machine. For example, tell your doctor of any side effects you're experiencing with your current CPAP equipment.
Schedule and attend a sleep study if your doctor has ordered one. A sleep study is actually a measurement of how well a person sleeps at night. You are connected to all kinds of electrodes that are attached to your scalp. You go to sleep just as you normally do, and a sleep study specialist, who is in another room, monitors your sleep patterns all night long. The sleep study shows how often apnea occurs during the night. The sleep study specialist also fits you for a CPAP mask, so your doctor can order the most effective one.
Ask if you can take a copy of your sleep study record with you because you will need it to get your new CPAP machine.
Call your doctor after the sleep study. Ask if you need to make a follow-up appointment to obtain the CPAP equipment prescription. Make an appointment with the doctor if necessary and discuss any follow-up concerns with him while obtaining your CPAP prescription.
Obtaining and Setting Up Your CPAP Machine
Call your insurance company, if you have coverage. Ask which medical supply companies your health insurance approves, if you need to update your CPAP from the same company through which you received your current CPAP machine and whether you can select a new medical supply company. Ask your health insurance company representative which CPAP machines are covered.
Go to the medical supply company from which you've chosen to get the latest CPAP equipment. Give the medical supply salesperson the prescription for the CPAP, the sleep study record and your insurance card, if you have coverage. Most medical supply companies will require both the CPAP prescription and the sleep study record in order to obtain a new CPAP machine. However, there are some places on the Internet that only require a doctor's prescription.
Requiring both the CPAP prescription and the sleep study record must just be the particular requirement of certain companies. It would not be the requirement of the insurance company because then all companies would be required to collect both copies of the information.
Take the CPAP home and set it up. Call for help, if needed.