Sigmund Freud's Theory of Dreams
According to Freud, dreams contain two parts: latent content and manifest content. Manifest content describes what a person remembers from a dream. Latent content refers to the true meaning of the manifest content. Freud believed that the images we see in dreams are symbols for unconscious thoughts.
Dream Work
Freud called the process of interpreting manifest content into latent content the "Dream Work." He believed that most of our dreams contained hidden sexual messages. For instance, he thought images of items like weapons, sticks and tree trunks were symbols for the male genitalia; boxes, chests and cupboards symbolized the female organs.
Freud believed that dreams allowed people to carry out unconscious desires. Freud believed that most of these desires were sexual in nature and went unfulfilled during a person's day. At night, the mind creates a fantasy world that satisfies these feelings. This satisfaction gives way to a good night's rest.