How to Set the Ramp on a Resmed CPAP S6

Ramp time on a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device refers to the amount of time the machine takes to go from a very low air pressure to the full amount of pressure the patient will receive. Ramping allows a sleep apnea patient to fall asleep without being bothered by the higher air pressure she will need when she's asleep. The ResMed CPAP S6 is an older device which allows only three ramp time settings, but they're very simple to set.
  1. Starting the Machine

    • Start the airflow by pressing the "Start" button on the control panel.

    Selecting a Ramp Time

    • The ResMed S6 control panel has three buttons that resemble clock faces. These provide a ramp time. Press the "5" button to have the machine ramp up over five minutes, the "10" button for 10 minutes, and the "20" button for 20 minutes.

    Resetting the Ramp Time

    • If you awaken in the night, you can reduce the air pressure and have the machine start ramping up again by selecting one of the three ramp buttons.

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