Skin Products for Razor Bumps
Apply hydrocortisone cream to areas that are affected by razor burn. According to dermatologist Dr. Evelyn Placek, hydrocortisone reduces the redness and stinging that is associated with razor burn. The cream also constricts the blood vessels in the affected area so the redness will fade away faster. Only use it for a few days, however, to avoid skin irritation.
Make sure to moisturize your skin after you shave. Dry skin can often cause razor bumps. Moisturizing your skin will also help relieve any itching due to shaving.
Hair Dissolver
If you chronically get razor burn, make a switch to hair dissolver, or hair removal, creams. These products dissolve the hair so it takes longer to grow back and will make shaving more manageable. Following the product's package instructions for best results.
Acne Cream
Applying acne cream to razor bumps can act as a stringent so the affected area is dried out. Over time this will prevent the bumps from recurring.