How to Use a Fisher & Paykel CPAP Machine

The average sufferer of sleep apnea receives approximately five to six hours of beneficial rest for every 8 to 10 hours of sleep. Sleep apnea causes stops in breathing, sometimes for a minute or longer. People with obstructive sleep apnea generally treat their condition in a number of ways, including the use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. CPAP machines are designed to gently force air into the nostrils to avoid irregularity and pauses in breathing during sleep so that you can enter all sleep cycles and wake up rested. Fisher & Paykel CPAP machines deliver a constant level of air with sufficient humidity for your comfort.


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      Fill the water tank to the "fill" line. It is best to use distilled water to ensure the purest humidification and the least wear on your machine. Slide the water tank into the unit by aligning the grooves and inserting it into the slot.

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      Attach the hose from the water tank to the face piece. Make sure the pieces are securely fastened and the cords are facing in the most comfortable direction for sleeping.

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      Turn the machine on "low" and let it run for a few seconds before placing it on your face. If your facial piece covers your nose and mouth, make sure the fit is secure so that the air does not seep out the side. If the facial piece is only a nasal piece, consider wearing a chin strap, as your mouth may reflexively open during sleep.

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