Natural Remedies for Sleep Deprivation
According to, exercise could be a safe, inexpensive way to fight sleep deprivation naturally. Exercise uses the energy stored in the body from sleep. Additionally, performing calming exercises, such as yoga, right before bedtime helps relax your body and mind, as stated by Fitness Magazine.
Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks within eight hours before going to bed as directed by Mayo Clinic. Also, do not drink too many liquids that require you to use the bathroom several times a night. Spicy foods and high-fat foods also cause sleep deprivation by making you feel uncomfortable in bed. Change your eating habits to fight sleep deprivation naturally.
Eat a small snack, such as cereal or yogurt, a couple of hours before bedtime. Make sure it is a healthy snack that does not contain excessive fat or sugar.
Reduce Stress
Prepare for sleep by reducing stress before bedtime. Find an activity, such as reading a magazine, knitting, putting a puzzle together, listening to books or soft music. Also, manage stress at night by lowering the noise level and turning down the lights.
Check your bedding to fight sleep deprivation naturally. According to Helpguide, trying different levels of mattress firmness or using a foam pad to add comfort may help you sleep more soundly. If you are comfortable, you are less likely to wake-up several times a night and lose sleep.