How to Adjust to CPAP Therapy
Things You'll Need
- CPAP with heated humidifier
- Fitted mask or nose piece
When you have your sleep study, make sure the attendant fits you for a mask and headgear. The mask needs to be comfortable but still fit snugly enough to provide an airflow seal. If you tend to breathe through your mouth at night, a triangular full face mask is probably your best choice. If you're a nose-breather, you may be able to get away with a nose mask or other nasal device.
Ask the doctor to write you a prescription for a CPAP machine with a heated humidifier. This will reduce nasal symptoms such as runny nose or congestion.
Start CPAP therapy on a Friday night. That way, if you have difficulty getting to sleep, you'll have two days to catch up on your rest before you have to return to work or school.
If you experience claustrophobia, slowly desensitize yourself to the CPAP apparatus. Try wearing the mask for a few minutes each day while you're engaged in an activity that keeps your mind occupied such as reading, watching television or working on the computer. Once you can keep the mask on for five minutes at a time, challenge yourself to go for ten. Keep with this program until you can comfortably wear the mask for an hour or more at a time.
Wear your CPAP a little longer each night. If you can't make it through the whole night, see if you can make it for just an hour or two. Slowly increase your time with it until you're wearing it throughout the night.
Do not discontinue CPAP use before talking to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to suggest some techniques or devices to make wearing the CPAP more tolerable.