Relaxation Tips to Fall Asleep
Toe Stretching
The general idea of relaxation techniques is to take your focus off the anxieties and tension you feel from your surroundings and in your body. Lying on your back, slowly relax your body with some deep, slow breathing for about one minute. Become aware of your toes, individually and collectively. Flex all 10 of your toes back toward your body, at the same time while slowly counting to 10. Relax your toes and count slowly to 10 again. Do this about 10 times until you feel more relaxed.
Lie back and close your eyes. Think about one object that causes you pleasure. For example, think about a single candle that is burning. Picture every detail of the candle: the color, its shape and what it may smell like. Use as many of your senses as you can. Imagine the flame flickering and the light it may cast upon its background. Feel how peaceful it is. Enjoy this for as long as you desire. Choose any object that pleases you for this exercise.
Pick books that are easy reading, such as a pleasing story you are merely interested in and can put down when you've had enough. Do not choose novels you know are "page turners" for you, such as those that pull you in the first few pages and make you forget about the hour of the night and dismiss your responsibilities the next day as you read. Experiment with the genre and style of novel. You may even prefer topics that you would never normally read instead as you experiment to help distract your mind to the point of desiring sleep.
Peaceful Routines
Turn off any electronics at least one hour prior to getting some sleep. If you do watch TV or a movie, do not watch anything that is action packed or scary, as these genres will work against relaxation. Instead, take a warm bath, do some deep-breathing exercises, and focus on peaceful and uplifting thoughts about yourself and others around you. Write down peaceful ideas, if you must, to help keep you focused on being good to yourself.