Complications of Snoring
One sign that you may be experiencing habitual snoring is fatigue during the day. Your body does not receive the proper amount of oxygen because of the restricted airflow caused by snoring. This will lead to inadequate rest for your body.
Sleepiness during the day is one complication of snoring that can affect work performance, your overall mood and well being, and can lead to other residual side effects such as the increased chance of falling asleep at the wheel and having an accident, according to the Mayo Clinic website. The latter can be a danger to you and others as well.
Relationship Problems
Often the first you'll hear about your snoring problem is from someone else. It could be your spouse, special someone, roommate or family member. Recurring bouts of excessive snoring can lead to problems in your relationships. You may feel defensive about complaints and those around you may become annoyed with you because you keep them up at night. The annoyance factor could happen without the other person ever saying a word about it.
Cardiovascular Complications
One of the most serious complications involved with chronic snoring are the long-term health effects. If snoring is severe enough that you stop breathing for short periods of time at night, it may be that you have a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea.
According to, sleep apnea can increase the risk of heart attack and death by 30 percent over a five-year period. The cause of this complication is the stoppage of oxygen to the lungs in the middle of the night. The body's response to the sudden shortage of air causes the flow of blood to the heart to slow down. Combined with the fight or flight response to the cutoff of oxygen, as if you were drowning, the body wears out the heart slowly by raising blood pressure.
Sore Throat
In comparison to other potential problems arising from snoring, a sore throat may not seem like a major concern. However, waking up with a raw throat from sleeping with your mouth open may indicate an inability to breathe normally through your nose. This early warning will allow you to see a doctor and determine the cause before more serious complications happen.