Gray Patch Ringworm Treatment
Gray Patch Ringworm
Different fungal infections cause different types of ringworm. Gray patch ringworm, also called microsporosis, is usually caused by the Microsporum audouinii or Microsporum canis fungus. This fungal infection can be spread from person to person or from cats and dogs to people. Gray patch ringworm usually affects young children though adults may develop gray patch ringworm.
Gray Patch Ringworm Symptoms
The scalp is the part of the body that is most often affected by gray patch ringworm. The infected person may experience round patches of a scaly rash that may be red or inflamed. The circular border of the rash may become slightly raised. The gray patch ringworm causes hair to become brittle and break close to the scalp in the area of the rash. The rash may cause itchiness for some people.
Topical Medication
An antifungal ointment applied to the rash is the most common treatment for gray patch ringworm. Sometimes, the topical antifungal is the only treatment necessary to get rid of gray patch ringworm. However, many physicians will prescribe an oral antifungal medication since topical medication may not penetrate the scalp enough to provide an effective treatment.
Oral Medication
Oral antifungal medication may be prescribed to treat gray patch ringworm. Griseofulvin is an oral medication available in liquid or tablet form that is used to treat ringworm on the scalp. Terbinafine hydrochloride is a gray patch ringworm treatment that is available in granules that can be sprinkled on food. These medications need to be taken as prescribed by the physician.
Corticosteroid Treatment
If the ringworm does not subside with topical or oral antifungal treatment, a physician may prescribe corticosteroid cream. Prolonged use of corticosteroids is avoided if possible. If the ringworm is severe, an oral corticosteroid medication may be prescribed.
Home Treatment
According to the Mayo Clinic, over-the-counter antifungal creams are effective home treatments for many types of ringworm, but ringworm that affects the scalp may be treated with medicated, over-the-counter shampoo. Shampoo that contains selenium sulfide helps kill the fungus that causes ringworm. Selenuim sulfide shampoo may prevent the spread of ringworm to other areas of the body and to other people. The shampoo should be used two or three times a week for one month and left on the scalp for five minutes before rinsing.