Thyroid Supplements Helpful for Insomnia
Thyroid Supplements
The thyroid is at the front of the neck just below the voice box. The hormones produced by the thyroid (T3 and T4) affect most parts of the body, stimulating increased oxygen use and protein production. Because of this, when the thyroid is not working properly, it can have a wide range of consequences, including symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and constipation. Thyroid supplements can be used to increase the level of hormones that your thyroid is producing.
Insomnia occurs when a person is unable to sleep properly for at least three nights a week. This difficulty can be in actually falling asleep or in maintaining sleep. The body usually needs just over eight hours of sleep a night to maintain normal function during the day. Prolonged insomnia, or insomnia that occurs for too many days in a row, can begin to have a serious effect on concentration and memory. Some people who suffer from insomnia may find their symptoms are relieved by taking thyroid supplements.
You may find that thyroid supplements such as omega 3 fatty acids and L-tyrosine help to relieve your insomnia. This may be simply because they are also supplements that are recommended to help with insomnia. Omega 3 fatty acids, which can be found in fish oil and fish oil capsules, bolster the immune system, which can increase the thyroid gland's hormone production. This can also help to decrease stress, helping the body to relax and so sleep. L-tyrosine is used by the thyroid gland to create its hormones. It also helps to support the nervous system, promoting sleep.
Another reason why you may find that taking thyroid supplements helps to cure your insomnia is that the insomnia is a symptom of a thyroid problem. In this case the supplements are not helping with the insomnia so much as helping your thyroid, which is in turn easing your insomnia. It is important to see your doctor about insomnia anyway, and you should certainly consult your doctor if you find thyroid supplements are helping you to sleep.
Always consult your doctor before taking any supplements, as there are a number of side effects to them that must be taken into account. Omega 3 fatty acids can thin the blood, which can increase the severity of bleeding caused by cuts. If you are taking thyroid hormones, L-tyrosine should only be taken in consultation with your doctor.