Tips and Advice for Profuse Facial Sweating
Avoid Wearing Lots of Makeup
According to Stop Sweating 101, wearing heavy makeup will only exacerbate heavy sweating. In addition, it will make the sweating more noticeable, as the makeup will likely smudge or run down your face in streaks. Stop Sweating 101 recommends applying a light foundation and using colors sparingly.
Carry a Handkerchief
One of the simplest solutions for controlling profuse facial sweating is to carry a handkerchief, small towel or tissue wherever you go. According to Stop Sweating 101, this will allow you to dab and gently absorb sweat as soon as it appears, which can be helpful in high-stress situations.
Use Facial Antiperspirants
Antiperspirants are topical substances that help prevent and reduce sweating. While individuals commonly apply antiperspirants (often in combination with deodorants) under their arms, there are also specialized antiperspirants designed for facial applications. Try looking online if your local pharmacy does not carry them. According to the National Cancer Institute, these antiperspirants employ aluminum compounds, which temporarily clog or plug sweat ducts to stop the flow of sweat to the surface of the skin.
Take Glycopyrrolate
Glycopyrrolate (brand name: Robinul) is an anticholinergic drug that doctors prescribe to patients in order to reduce their nasal, stomach, lung and saliva secretions. According to, the drug is also effective at reducing secretions from sweat glands, including those in your face. However, use caution when using glycopyrrolate, as it may have side effects. According to, these include drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision and an increased risk of having a heat stroke.
Have a Sympathectomy
Severe sufferers of profuse facial sweating may consider having a sympathectomy. According to, a sympathectomy is a procedure wherein the surgeon cuts and deconstructs sympathetic ganglia, which are clusters of nerve cells along your spinal cord. These nerves are part of your sympathetic nervous system, and by removing some of them doctors can reduce the severity of your body's "fight or flight" responses (which cause you to blush and/or sweat in uncomfortable situations).