How to Stop Drooling During Sleep
Breathe through your nose. Most people drool during sleep because they have a tendency to breathe through their mouths. During sleep, when you are unconscious and unaware, you don't have the same control over your bodily functions and emissions as you do during your waking hours. For people who breathe through their mouths, it's normal for saliva to start to work its way down and out through your partially open mouth. When you breathe through your nose, and with your mouth closed, your saliva will stay in your mouth.
If your nasal passages are restricted, a visit to your local allergist or ear, nose and throat doctor may be a wise step to ensure that you keep your nasal passages clear. Not only will this keep you from drooling during sleep, it will cut down on your susceptibility to colds and other respiratory conditions.
Visit your allergist or ear, nose and throat doctor to determine if sinus and/or nasal problems prevent you from breathing through your nose. If your nasal passages are chronically inflamed, and you simply breathe out of your mouth due to necessity, a trip to the appropriate physician can do wonders to shrink your nasal passages and/or relieve your stuffy sinuses, which will enable you to breathe easily and effortlessly through your nose. .
Get used to sleeping on your back. When you sleep on your back, it's virtually impossible to drool during sleep. Even with your mouth open in this position, your salivary excretions stay confined to the insides of your mouth, exactly where they belong. So, experiment with lying on your back immediately after getting into bed for the night. Even if you prefer to sleep on your sides, or on your stomach, beginning your night's sleep while on your back will do a great deal to prevent you from drooling while you sleep. And if you wake up in the middle of the night and find yourself on your side or stomach, immediately switch back to lying on your back. Over time, hopefully, your body will get used to that position and start to remain in that position.