How to Adjust a REMstar Plus CPAP
Things You'll Need
- REMstart Plus CPAP System
- User manual
Plug in the unit. Press the ‘Ramp’ button until the device beeps, which starts the set-up menu. Ensure that the airflow is turned off. Press the ‘Pressure’ button if needed to turn the airflow off. Skip the pressure use indicator screen by pressing the ‘right’ user button to go to the next screen.
Adjust the alert tone, which beeps if an air leak is detected, if desired. Elect to turn the alert tone on or off by choosing the ‘1’ for on, or ‘0’ for off. Press the ‘Ramp’ button to toggle to your choice, and then press the ‘right’ user button to go to the next screen.
Adjust the button lights which allow you to have the user buttons illuminated while the airflow is on, making it easier to use the CPAP during the night. Elect to turn the button lights on or off by pressing the ‘Ramp’ button to choose ‘1’ for on, or ‘0’ for off. Press the ‘right’ user button to go to the next screen.
Press the 'right' user button until you reach the elevation settings. Adjust the elevation of your environment to allow your CPAP to work effectively, if it has not already been preset for you. Choose ‘1’ for elevation under 2,500 feet, ‘2’ for elevation 2,500 to 5,000 feet or ‘3’ for elevation over 5,000 feet. Press the ‘Ramp’ button to toggle to your elevation choice, then press the ‘right’ user button to go to the next screen.
Adjust the ramp feature, which allows the CPAP to gradually increment pressure up to your therapeutic level, if you feel the preset setting is too low or to high for you. Press the ‘Ramp’ button to adjust the level up or down.