What Is CPAP Therapy?
Sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous condition that causes a person to stop breathing while she sleeps. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, people with sleep apnea are at a higher risk for a cardiovascular-related death.
CPAP therapy uses a CPAP machine to create airflow to the person's body allowing for deeper and more quality sleep.
In order to have a health insurance company pay for CPAP therapy, the person must first undergo a sleep study that is used to determine the severity of the sleep apnea. A doctor will use the sleep study results to determine what settings should be used on the CPAP machine.
Do not change the pressure on your CPAP machine on your own. If you do not feel the CPAP therapy is working, contact your doctor to discuss potential changes to your air pressure settings.
According to Apneaguide.com, CPAP therapy may need to be accompanied by lifestyle changes such as weight loss or reduction in alcohol consumption in order to be effective.