How to Cure Insomnia From Adrenal Fatigue
Things You'll Need
- Melatonin supplement
Treating Insomnia
Stop consuming caffeine, as caffeine can cause higher cortisol levels. Caffeine is not only a contributor to insomnia by itself, but high amounts of consumption can also result in the insufficient chemical and hormone production that causes adrenal fatigue.
Take small breaks in the day to help train the body to relax more often. This will help regulate the unusually high cortisol levels that are the main cause of insomnia.
Develop a regular sleep schedule. This is another way of training your body to "know" when it is time to sleep. Go to bed at approximately the same time each night, and wake up at approximately the same time. This will train the body to produce cortisol when it is necessary, while letting up when you want to sleep.
Take melatonin supplements when you want to sleep. If lifestyle changes are not enough, you may need to aid your body in sleeping. Melatonin is a natural chemical in the brain that counteracts cortisol. Take a supplement to help induce sleeping.