Jet Lag Recovery
A 5mg dose of the hormone melatonin can be effective at treating jet lag for several days after the trip. It is available in the U.S. over the counter.
Sedatives like Zolpidem or Zopiclone are very effective at treating jet lag by assisting in restoring the sleep cycle. However they carry side effects like drowsiness, and cannot be taken if driving or operating machinery.
Recovery Rate
According to, a general rule of recovery for jet lag is allow one day for recovery for each time zone crossed.
Light Therapy
If traveling East over less than six time zones, exposing yourself to light in the morning is advised. If traveling East over more than six time zones mid-day, light is preferable. If traveling West across less than six time zones light in the late afternoon is advised. If you're traveling across more than six time zones, light exposure is recommended for mid-day hours and should be avoided in the afternoon.
The best way to treat jet lag is to avoid it all together by drinking plenty of fluids (not caffeine and alcohol) while on the plane, and getting as much sleep as possible while traveling.