How Can I Get a Better Night's Sleep Without Pills?
Keep to a bedtime schedule. Going to bed at a regular time each night gets your body prepared to rest and makes it easier to sleep. Decide a time when you should go to sleep and go to bed at that time every night, even if you're not tired at first. Your body will soon get into the habit of winding down at the scheduled time.
Exercise. Being active during the day helps the body relax more at night. Doing some jogging, hiking, or lifting weights during the day can improve the quality of your sleep. You also can try some stretching or going for a walk an hour or so before going to bed.
Avoid naps. Even if you're tired after a bad night's sleep, avoid taking a nap because it can mess up your sleep cycle, throwing you off your regular schedule. If you find yourself getting tired during the day, do something active like walking around the room, stretching, or cleaning to wake yourself up.
Avoid eating or drinking right before going to bed. Ideally you should eat four hours before going to bed so that the digestive system isn't as active when you're trying to sleep. Caffeine and soda cause hyperactivity and wakefulness, impairing sleep, and drinking too much liquid before going to bed can cause you to wake to empty your bladder.
Stop working a few hours before bed. It's difficult to go to sleep when your mind is active thinking about work. Putting aside a few hours to relax helps the mind become less anxious and prepare for sleep. Try reading a light book or playing a musical instrument to distract your mind from the next day's work or upcoming deadlines.
Keep the room dark. A dark room helps the body clock recognize that it's time to sleep, so close the curtains and turn off the lights. If light still comes into the room from the hallway or outside, try using a sleeping mask.
Check the room temperature. It's difficult to sleep in an environment that is too cold or too hot. Experiment with the room temperature to see which temperature you sleep well in. Try sleeping in a slightly cool room with adequate ventilation and use additional blankets if needed.
Make the bed comfortable. An uncomfortable mattress, flat pillow, or scratchy sheets can keep you up at night. Try purchasing a new pillow or sheets, or a foam pad.
See a doctor. If you have tried several tricks and techniques to get to sleep and you're still having a difficult time, see your doctor. There may be an underlying cause for your inability to sleep.