Activities to Keep Yourself Awake
Sometimes something as simple as staying up can become the greatest challenge, especially if you are already under stress preparing for an exam or big meeting the next day. Fighting off sleep can also make those tasks you must complete more stressful. There are simple and safe methods you can try to help you stay up through the night and successfully get your work done.-
Drinking caffeine is one way to fight off sleep. While coffee is the go-to beverage for a caffeine boost, there are also carbonated caffeinated beverages, such as sodas and energy drinks. These carbonated beverages come in many flavors, but can cause difficulties for people with sensitive stomachs; a cup of caffeinated tea is gentler.
Physical Activity
Extreme physical activity can wear you out, but just a little exercise can help rejuvenate your body and get that blood flowing, keeping you awake longer. Don’t overdo it with intense cardiovascular activity or weight lifting, but try a quick 10-minute walk or turn on music and dance. Avoid activities such as yoga or Pilates that can give you a workout, but also relax you.
Cooling your body down can give you the quick pick-me-up needed to keep going at night. Splashing cold water over your face or taking a cold shower can jolt you back to alertness. Turn up your air conditioner to create a slightly cooler, more productive environment. Avoid heat, including a hot shower or bath, which can soothe and relax muscles.
Phone a friend or have someone with you while you work to stay awake. Take a break and socialize to refresh for a few minutes. If you have someone with you to help keep you up, make sure they don’t become a distraction from your work. Limit socializing to five or 10 minutes every hour or two.
Eat foods that will generate energy. Fresh fruit have carbohydrates and natural sugar that convert into energy to will help you stay up. Other healthy carbohydrates, like oats and grains found in granola, protein-packed nuts like almonds and healthy beans like black beans, can also yield high energy results.