How to Deal With the Effects of Lack of Sleep During the Daytime
Drinking water is a instant energy boost. Drinking water can help to fight sleepiness during the daytime. Dehydration increases the feeling of tiredness, so filling up on water can be an instant refresher. Drinking plenty of water will also increase your need to go to the bathroom which will help to keep you awake as well. While in the bathroom, splash a little cold water onto your face: it will also help wake you up and increase your alertness.
If you are sitting stationary all day, increasing your movement will help to fight off the tiredness from lack of sleep. One way to increase your movement would be to walk or run up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Taking the stairs will get your heart pumping faster which will wake you right up. You can also increase your movement at your desk by standing up and moving your head, arms and legs. Taking frequent breaks to walk around the building or going outside to get some sunlight are both ways to fight lack of sleep. A 10 minute walk will increase energy for two hours.
Choose a healthy option over sugar-filled snacks. Eating a healthy snack is another way to boost energy. Sugary snacks and drinks high in caffeine will give you only a temporary increase in energy; healthy snacks will make you feel better in the long run. Some high energy foods include beans, fruit, eggs, yogurt, nuts and vegetables. It is also important to digest food properly to fight sleep. You can do this by having small portions of food every two hours.
Deep breathing is a stress-relieving technique that you can use to control tiredness. By breathing deeply you will increase blood oxygen levels, slow down your heart rate, lower blood pressure and improve circulation, instantly increasing your energy. Practice deep breathing techniques throughout the day and in conjunction with other activities to fight the effects of lack of sleep.