How to Get Through the Day After an All-Nighter
Things You'll Need
- Caffeine
- Music
- Healthy snacks
- Eye cream
Close your eyes whenever you get the chance. Set your cell phone alarm for 10 minutes from that moment, put your head down and take a nap during your lunch break, for example.
Drink caffeine. Consuming a limited amount of caffeine (such as a cup of coffee or a can of soda) may help you stay energized for a few hours.
Listen to music. Grab your headphones and stay awake with the assistance of peppy, uptempo music. Think pop, rock and roll and electronic music. Stay away from music which could lull you to sleep, such as classical or folk music.
Move your body. If you're sedentary all day, you put yourself at risk for feeling more drowsy as the day progresses. Encourage your blood flow by getting a little bit of exercise. For example, whenever you get a few minutes free, go outdoors for a brisk walk. The fresh air also may help revitalize your body and mind.
Brighten up your environment. If you're on zero sleep, the last thing you need is to be in a dim and dark place. If you're sitting at a desk, open up your windows to let some sunlight in. If possible, keep the lights on. The harsher and more glaring the light, the easier it will be for you to stay awake and focused.
Revert to your typical schedule. To prevent your all-nighter from ruining your sleep routine, try to stay awake until your normal bedtime. Resist the urge to fall asleep as soon as you get home. If you fall asleep five hours earlier than normal, you probably will wake up in the middle of the night, and therefore encourage the sleepless cycle to continue. Get your sleeping schedule back on track as soon as possible.
Eat small and frequent snacks throughout the day to stay awake and alert. To increase your energy, aim for a nutritious option such as an apple or whole grain crackers. Fruit is beneficial for increasing energy levels. Also be sure to drink plenty of water.
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