How to Prevent Being Tired
Begin a regular fitness routine. Insufficient exercise is often responsible for decreased energy and nonstop exhaustion. Join a nearby fitness center and work out several times a week, whether you briskly walk on the treadmill, use the elliptical trainer or engage in resistance training. Consult with your doctor first to determine an appropriate exercise plan for your health needs and age range.
Establish a reliable and predictable sleeping schedule. Not getting enough sleep, unsurprisingly, can lead to you to feel exhausted and tired all of the time. Apart from simply not getting enough sleep, it is also vital to follow a consistent sleeping routine, waking up and going to bed at roughly the same hour every day. Maintaining an erratic sleeping schedule can lead to sleeping difficulties, causing you to be even more tired.
Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Your diet can have a great effect on how your body feels. To prevent tiredness, be sure to eat a diet that is healthy and full of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits and lean meats. Drink a lot of water and refrain from caffeine. Although at first caffeine can give you a jolt in energy, it can cause you to crash -- fast -- later on. Avoid skipping meals and make sure to always have some breakfast in the morning, no matter how late you may be running. Breakfast (think foods full of protein, like eggs) can provide you with the fuel you need to battle the day with full energy. Lastly, eat frequently (every five hours or so) to maintain your energy levels.
Wear an outfit that makes you feel good. It may seem bizarre to put on your finest power suit when you're just gearing up for a day of going over your finances. However, lounging around in sweatpants will do nothing but make you feel lethargic when you happen to catch a glimpse of yourself in your window's reflection. To prevent fatigue and low energy, put something on that makes you exude confidence and motivation.
Get moving. This doesn't only apply to exercise. It also means to restrict the amount of time you spend sitting on your living room sofa, staring at your flat-screen television like a zombie. Instead of engaging in sedentary behaviors all of the time, do something to make your life better. Give your home a spring cleaning. Take up a brand new hobby, such as crocheting or sign language. Volunteer at a local homeless shelter. Get out of your mundane and tiring life routine by trying something new.