How to Fight Afternoon Tiredness
Start your day right. Get enough sleep the night before so that you are not starting out your day fatigued. Being hungry can also make you feel sluggish. Eat a healthy breakfast consisting of lean protein and slow digesting carbohydrates, such as eggs and oatmeal, which will help keep you full and energized. Drink plenty of water and keep healthy snacks, such as fruit and nuts, to eat at work.
Exercise. If you find that you are lacking energy during the day, schedule a workout during your lunch break if you can. If this is not an option, take a few minutes to walk around your building or outside in the fresh air. Although it may seem backwards to move around when you are tired, it will help get your blood flowing and re-energize you.
Stay busy. If you find yourself getting sleepy during the day, you may be feeling bored or unmotivated. Talk to a friend or coworker, listen to music or simply keep yourself busy with work tasks or personal projects. Being sedentary will only increase your fatigue symptoms.
Don't stress out. Stress can keep you up at night, resulting in sleep deprivation. Try various techniques for dealing with stress, including yoga, meditation, deep breathing or picturing a peaceful scene in your head. Allow yourself time to unwind before bed. Take a bath, read a book or sip some decaffeinated tea right before bed to help yourself decompress.
Take a quick nap. If you are so tired you cannot function, you may just need to sleep. If is is possible, even a short20-minute nap can do wonders for your energy level and mood. A power nap of no more than one hour will help you feel more invigorated and focused.