How to Keep Awake When Working Nights
Things You'll Need
- Music (iPod or stereo)
- CDs or MP3s
- Caffeine
- Ear plugs
- Healthy foods
Listen to uptempo music. Music that is upbeat and fun can keep you revved up and alert even during the darkest hours of the night. Think dance, electronic and pop music selections. Bring your iPod with you or play a CD on your stereo at work. Avoid soft music, however, as that could havethe exact opposite effect and put you to sleep.
Maintain a consistent sleeping schedule. Try to emulate the sleeping and waking hours of those who work standard day schedules. Doing this will help you to stay on track and fall asleep and wake up at dependable times every day. For instance, determine that your bedtime is two hours after you get off work. The crazier and more erratic your schedule is, the higher the likelihood you will doze off while at work.
Drink caffeine in moderation. A little bit of caffeine (think soda, coffee and energy drinks) can give you the little jolt of vitality that you need to make it through your shift without falling asleep face down at your desk. Set limits as to your caffeine intake, however, as too much caffeine can cause you to crash later on, feeling even more tired than you would in the first place.
Walk around. Some physical activity can be very effective for maintaining energy at a night job. If your job permits you, walk a few fast laps around the hallway to wake yourself up. When you get a break, take a short walk outdoors and breathe in some fresh and cool air to wake up your body and your brain.
Splash some water on your face. When you go to the bathroom, splash a little bit of cool water on your face to revitalize yourself. Not only will this prevent you from feeling like falling asleep, it will also give you a little burst of energy.
Practice effective daytime sleeping hours. If you work the night shift, that means your sleeping hours are during the daytime. To make the most out of your unusual schedule, do all that you can to emulate the night hours. For example, put up blackout curtains in your bedroom to mimic the appearance of nighttime. If you live with other people who maintain normal hours, wear ear plugs to drown out their sounds.
Exercise regularly. The more exercise you do, the easier it will be to keep up a healthy and predictable sleeping schedule. Since working nights can be stressful, getting your frustration out through physical fitness can help you cope with the circumstances. Avoid neglecting your body just because you keep unusual hours at work.