Ways to Increase REM and SLE

Sleep is vital for maintaining health. Many people do not obtain enough sleep each night and suffer from lack of sleep. The National Institutes of Health explains the average adult sleeps less than seven hours a night. HelpGuide.org explains most adults need 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep a night. REM sleep is vital because it renews the mind. REM sleep is important for strengthening the memory and consolidating information learned during the day. Learning how to improve sleeping habits increases your REM sleep.
  1. Avoid Caffeine and Other Stimulants

    • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol four to six hours before bed is a way to increase REM sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant that prevents the body from falling into deep REM sleep because it increases production of adrenaline and stops sleep-inducing chemicals. According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, alcohol is a stimulant that causes frequent awakenings. The National Sleep Foundation recommends drinking no more than three cups of coffee in the early part of the day.

    Exercise at the Right Time

    • According to Fitness.com, physical activity during the day is an important ingredient to how a person sleeps at night. The more active the body is during day, the more possibility of increasing REM sleep at night. Fitness.com suggests exercising at least three to four times a week for 30 minutes. The University of Alabama suggests avoiding exercise at least three hours before bed because it increases the core temperature of the body, which prevents the body from feeling tired.

    Eating Before Bedtime

    • The Mayo Clinic suggests to avoid eating or drinking large amounts at least two hours before going to bed to help increase REM sleep. Avoid fatty and spicy foods that cause heartburn at night because a heartburn flare can prevent the body from sleeping restfully. Eat dinner in the early evening, and eat a light healthy snack if needed such as oatmeal or yogurt with granola. Avoid going to bed hungry because hunger pains can cause waking.

    Changing the Bedroom

    • Turning a bedroom into a sleep-inducing environment can improve the quality of deep and REM sleep. Make the bedroom dark and quiet when going to sleep. The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School suggests using heavy curtains to darken the room. The temperature should be between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit with ventilation. Avoid using a computer or watching television in the bedroom and limit the activity to only sleep.

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