Can a football with puncture be fixed?
Items needed:
- Football repair kit (includes a needle and patches, or adhesive)
- Football pump (if needed)
Tips for repairing a football with a puncture:
1. Locate the puncture. Dunk the football in a sink/tub filled with water and look for air bubbles coming out. Mark the puncture spot with a pen.
2. Remove the valve. Use a valve wrench or pliers to remove the valve from the football.
3. Apply the patch or adhesive. If using a patch, apply it over the puncture. If using adhesive, cover the puncture with the adhesive.
4. Reinsert the valve. Make sure the valve is properly seated in the hole before reinflating.
5. Inflate the football. Use a football pump to inflate the ball to the recommended air pressure.
Additional tips:
- Make sure the football is completely dry before repairing it.
- If the puncture is large or in a difficult-to-reach area, it may be necessary to take the football to a sporting goods store or professional repair service.