How to Prevent Leg Cramps When Sitting at Work
Drink water. When you are dehydrated, your sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium levels become imbalanced, causing muscle cramps. By sipping water continuously throughout the day, you will avoid this electrolyte imbalance.You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, which works out to about one for every hour you are at work. Drinking a glass every hour may seem difficult at first, but persevere and your body will soon demand it.
Sit comfortably. Take time to adjust your chair so that your feet are flat on the floor. Make sure the backs of your legs are not squashed up against the chair, as this will restrict blood flow and lead to cramps.
Support your lumbar spine. Bending your back and slouching over your desk will lead to poor circulation and possibly a sore back. Use a pillow to support your lower back, and you will find it easier to sit up straight.
Walk around. Sitting for a long time in one position can also cause leg cramps. Stand up and stretch your calves once an hour, or take a walk to the water cooler. Try to leave the office at lunchtime, and take the stairs rather than the elevator.
Move your feet. If you really don't have time to walk around, stretch your legs while sitting. Lift your feet off the floor and stretch your toes forward, then flex them backward. Rotate your ankles in both directions and scrunch up your toes, then spread them as wide as possible.
Seek medical assistance. For persistent cramps or pain that extends throughout the body, talk to a health-care professional. Your leg cramps may be related to a more serious disorder, or a doctor may prescribe a drug such as quinine sulfate.