Strapping Injuries
Strapping limits the movement of the injured joint to prevent any abnormal movement which may result in re-injury and provides a kinaesthetic feedback. For example, if the injured ankle inverts during a jump, the tape will restrict the movement and will signal to the body that it needs to engage the surrounding muscles to prevent a re-injury. Tape also provides additional support to the surrounding muscles.
Strapping tape comes in three different kinds. Zinc-oxide tape is nonelastic and sticky. It should not be used on muscles that contract or expand during an exercise. Elastic adhesive bandage is stretchy and sticky. It works well for muscle injuries as it will move with the expanding muscles. Cohesive bandage sticks to itself and not to skin. It works well for compression of injured joints and muscles.
Strapping should be a part of a rehabilitation therapy that includes stretching, mobility and strengthening exercises to promote a proper healing of the injured joint.