How to Strengthen Leg Ligaments
Things You'll Need
- Ankle weights
- Resistance bands
Contract your quadriceps, which are the front thigh muscles, with the leg rested on the ground. Perform the contractions for 5 to 10 seconds, resting for three seconds -- and gradually bend the knee to lift it off the ground while increasing the contraction time.
Exercise the hamstrings, which are the rear thigh muscles, by lying flat on the ground and lifting the leg up. Hold the leg in the air for five seconds before lowering it -- gradually increase the elevation time.
Perform the hamstring exercises while standing up once you can easily bend your knee all the way backwards. Bend the knee, grasp the foot with your hand and hold it in place for five seconds at a time.
Add weight to your legs with resistance bands or ankle weights and perform the above exercises with the increased resistance.
Perform squat exercises once the knee is strong enough to include the above weight additions. Bend the knees slightly with your feet separated at shoulder width, holding that position for five seconds. Increase the amount it can bend as much as you can without pain.