Kinesio Taping Method for a Turf Toe
Accurate Diagnosis
Before using Kinesio Taping Method for any condition, it is important to receive an accurate diagnosis from a qualified health care provider. In the case of turf toe, a complete history and evaluation should be performed along with possible X-rays to rule out fracture of sesamoid bones. An MRI is rarely needed, but used to see if a ligament has torn completely.
According to a 2006 publication of Top Stroke Rehabilitation journal, Kinesio Taping Method, if used properly may reduce pain, support joints, aid muscle function and decrease soft tissue inflammation. In the instance of turf toe, Kinesio Taping would be an integral adjunct therapeutic procedure to improve healing time.
Kinesio Taping is a certified rehabilitation technique. The health care providers typically seeking certification in Kinesio Taping Method have a manual therapy background, such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractic physicians and athletic trainers.
With turf toe, you want to limit movement in dorsiflexion. The Kinesio Tape is applied around the big toe and down the first metatarsal on the plantar surface to limit dorsiflexion. The adhesive will keep this continuous therapy in place for two to three days.