How to Wrap an Elbow With an Ace Bandage

Joint injuries are common in athletics and sports, whether in a sanctioned game or a friendly game in a municipal park. For this reason, an Ace Bandage is an invaluable part of any sideline's med kit. When playing sports, it's always important to know how to wrap a sprain properly.


    • 1

      Start on the forearm below the elbow. Make a circle around the arm, so that the end of the bandage is secured into place.

    • 2

      Go upward, through the crease of the elbow

    • 3

      Make a secure turn around the bicep above the elbow. This should anchor both ends of the eventual wrap.

    • 4

      Wrap the elbow in a figure eight pattern. The bandage should criss-cross and overlay itself. Do this for as long as the bandage length allows, within reason. The final result should be tight, but should not restrict circulation.

    • 5

      End the wrap where you started, just below the elbow, on the forearm. Secure it either with bandage tape or a metal clip. If using a metal clip, try to fasten both ends of the bandage together.

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