How to Get Rid of Knee Pain
Use an over-the-counter pain reliever or drink an all natural anti-inflammatory beverage like cherry juice to immediately relieve knee pain.
Give your body adequate time to recover after intense exercise. Try exercising on alternate days to give your joints and ligaments enough time to repair themselves.
Cross-train to prevent knee pain. Engage in different exercises on alternate days to give your knees a rest from your usual sports routine.
Take Glucosamine and Chondroitin capsules to relieve and prevent achy joints and knees. This natural joint supplement is safely being used by athletes, non-athletes and even pets to lubricate the joints.
Get daily doses of Vitamin D and calcium. Many athletes can easily become deficient in these crucial vitamins and deficiency can impair joint health. Drink lots of milk, eat cheeses and foods high in Vitamin D and calcium to reduce knee pain and discomfort.
Correct your posture. Incorrect posture while working out can place wear and tear on your knees.
Wear appropriate shoes while exercising. Get shoes that are designed for the specific sport you're playing. Not all active shoes are created equal--talk with a sporting goods professional to determine which athletic shoes are best for you.
Wear a knee brace. Knee braces will give your painful knee the support it needs until it heals. You can find adjustable knee braces at pharmacies and drug stores nationwide. Wear your knee brace while exercising to prevent further injury and discomfort.
Build up your calf muscles. Many people who experience knee discomfort tend to have an underdeveloped (or small) calf. Engage in exercises that strengthen these region of the body. Build up your calf muscles and you will experience less knee discomfort.