What Are the Causes of Chronic Achilles Tendonitis?
Symptoms of Achilles tendonitis include pain and tightness over the back of the heel that worsens with activities that involve pushing, running or jumping, as well as swelling and stiffness over the tendon.
Improper footwear, poor biomechanics, excessive tightness of the calf and hamstring muscles, a sudden increase in training, or excessive hill running or speed work can all contribute to Achilles tendonitis.
Treatment for Achilles tendonitis involves complete or relative rest, ice, compression, light stretching, massage, strengthening exercises, and physical therapy.
Strengthening the Achilles tendon can make it less susceptible to injury. Toe raises are an example of an exercise that targets this area.
The Achilles tendon is the thickest and the strongest tendon in the body. Depending on the type of activity being performed, the Achilles tendon can bear up to 12 times a person's body weight.
Fun fact
The Achilles tendon gets its name from the Greek mythical warrior Achilles, who was killed by an arrow that was shot through his heel.