Bursitis of the Elbow Cured With Vitamin B
Vitamin B
B vitamins can help relieve symptoms and pain in the elbow because they work on repairing cells and prevent cell damage, according to CompassionateAcupuncture.com. Take B vitamins as a B complex; they work best when taken together. In addition, Vitamin B6 helps reduce swelling in the tissue. Eat a diet rich in B complex that includes broccoli, bananas and spinach. According to Newswithviews.com, while Vitamin B12 doesn't relieve pain, getting injections of this vitamin reverses inflammation, which eventually leads to elbow pain relief after several days.
Vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Alternatives
Since Vitamin B12 and folic acid help rebuild red blood cells, take supplements that contain them both, which will result in oxygen being carried to the elbow. You'll also benefit from the energy production that Vitamin B12 and folic acid create when taken together, according to Naturodoc.com. The suggested dosage for B12 is 1,000 mcg daily, and for folic acid it's 400 to 800 mcg daily. Perform exercises that strengthen muscles in the elbow area or specific physical therapy exercises recommended by a doctor. Should exercise or anti-inflammatory drugs not help with pain or inflammation of the elbow, consider having an injection of a corticosteroid drug directly into the bursa, according to MayoClinic.com. In addition, seek acupuncture treatments as they've been shown to have an analgesic effect in the elbow area, according to CompassionateAcupuncture.com.
B Vitamins That Don't Work on Bursitis and Activities to Avoid
When taking a complex B vitamin, be aware that while certain B vitamins work well in assisting bursitis of the elbow, others don't have much or any impact. Vitamin B3 (niacin) has been shown to be effective in treating mental disorders and lowering cholesterol. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) has been effective against anemia and brain function. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) has been effective against migraine headaches and sickle cell anemia. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) aides in fatigue, tingling of hands and nausea. Vitamin B-15 (pangamic acid) aides against asthma and cirrhosis of the liver. Avoid sudden injury or putting continuous pressure on the elbow by leaning on a desk or other surface. Don't perform frequent repetitive motion such as lifting an object over your head or throwing a baseball.