Night Splint As a Cure for Achilles Tendinosis
Night Splint Use
Put your night splint onto your ankle before going to bed each night. Night splints conform to the heel and have straps across the shin and foot to secure the splint to your heel. Keeping the foot straight during sleep causes your Achilles tendon to remain stretched. This works the Achilles tendon and allows your body to heal tendinosis faster. Padded splints also provide more support during sleep, reducing discomfort caused by moving.
Boot Splints
Put a boot splint on by slipping your foot through both the shin and foot straps. Tighten these straps to secure the boot night splint against your heel. A boot splint's foot padding holds your foot in an upright position, stretching out the Achilles tendon. Loosen the straps if the splint becomes uncomfortably tight against your ankle. You may find it comfortable to raise your ankle further by placing a pillow underneath.
Dorsal Splints
Put on a dorsal splint in the same manner that you put on a boot splint. In contrast to boot splints, dorsal splints contain no heel and use heavier material for the shin and ankle straps. Dorsal splints create an upward pulling motion on your toes, stretching your Achilles tendon even more. Again, it may be comfortable to raise your ankle further with a pillow.
Additional Treatment Options
Implement other lifestyle and health changes to help alleviate Achilles tendinosis. Take proper doses of anti-inflammatory medication, such as Advil or Motrin, to help relieve pain and reduce swelling associated with tendinosis.
Follow the RICE treatment for tendonitis: rest, ice, compression and elevation. Rest your ankle and be careful not to overexert your Achilles tendon, which may cause further ruptures. Keep your ankle compressed with an Ace bandage. Keep an ice pack between the Ace bandage and your sock. Do not place an ice pack in direct contact with skin for extended periods of time. Keep your leg elevated whenever sitting or laying down with a blanket or pillow placed underneath your ankle.Schedule an appointment with your doctor or physician if your Achilles tendinosis is severe. Extreme cases of Achilles tendinosis may require wearing a cast for several weeks and even surgery for some.