Ultrasound Treatment for Knees

Therapeutic ultrasound is a treatment option used by therapists to treat deep and soft tissue injuries through ultrasonic waves. It may also be used to help the bones heal. During an ultrasound treatment, sound waves cause waves of dissipation to heal the knee or area of injury.
  1. Application

    • The ultrasound treatment is done by applying a gel over the injury. A small metal device is used to emit ultrasonic waves to the patient. This is done by putting the head of the metal device on the knee. The metal emits ultrasonic waves as it is moved over the skin for five or so minutes. This can be done one or two times per day, depending on the severity of the injury.

    Thermal Effect

    • The ultrasound has a thermal effect on the knee injury. The waves cause a vibration and produce heat within the tissue. This heat sensation may not be felt by the patient but can help increase flexibility of the ligaments, tendons and joints. This can be very beneficial in a quick treatment and recovery.

    Reduce Healing Time

    • The best benefit of using ultrasound as treatment for knee injuries is that it helps reduce the healing time. The ultrasound accelerates the healing time of the inflammation and increases blood flow throughout the body. This treatment can also reduce the healing time when it comes to fusing fractured bones back together. The ultrasound waves can be used in the bone-calcifying process.

    Most Common Uses

    • This procedure is rare but is most commonly used with athletes because of sports injuries. The procedure may also be used for the elderly to help with the aging process that can negatively affect the knee and other areas of the body. When an individual ages, the joints become worn and may require strengthening. Individuals who suffer from calcium deficiency may be prone to bone injuries. This is where the bone-healing ability of the ultrasound treatment can be beneficial.


    • As always, it's a good idea to speak with a medical professional before deciding on a treatment option. The doctor will be able to better diagnosis your injury and advise the proper treatment.

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