What Is Tendonitis in the Foot?
Achilles Tendon
This is a large tendon that connects two calf muscles to the heel bone. Pain and tenderness along the back of the Achilles tendon are two of the symptoms. Achilles tendonitis is caused primarily by calf muscles that are tired or tight, excessive training, and improper warm-up before working out.
Posterior Tibial Tendon
This tendon extends from the inside of the ankle to the foot. When strained, pain may occur when the foot pushes off the ground or when the heel moves from one side to the other.
Anterior Tibial Tendon
This tendon aids in controlling the front of the foot once it comes into contact with the ground. Should this tendon become strained, pain might occur while descending stairs or a hill, and when running.
Peroneal Tendon
This is the tendon that wraps around the foot's bottom from the outside to the inside. When strained, pain may occur any time the foot is pushed away from the ground or when standing.
There are ways to prevent all the foot tendonitis types. Warm up correctly and stretch before doing any exercise. Wear the right shoes according to the activity you are doing. Look for shoes with a nice arch and a supportive heel.