Patella Taping for Anterior Knee Pain
Common conditions resulting in anterior knee pain include patella femoral pain syndrome, chondromalacia, patellar tendinopathy, fat pat impingement, quadriceps tendinopathy, Osgood-Schlatter disease, bursitis and stress fracture of the patella.
Patella Taping
Patella taping is used to prevent or treat a variety of patella conditions by correcting abnormal positioning or tracking (the way the knee cap moves when engaged in activity) of the knee cap.
Types of Tape
Tapes differ in size, materials used and elasticity; tape should be selected based on the treatment purpose.
Taping Techniques
Patella taping can be applied using a variety of techniques. McConnell and Kinesio taping are popular methods.
Strengthening and stretching the muscles around the hips and knees helps to prevent and alleviate anterior knee pain.
Avoid patella taping if the taping technique increases pain, you are allergic to sports tape, or you have circulatory problems.