Cauliflower Ear Symptoms
Cauliflower ear is characterized by a rather puffy or gnarled look of the earlobe. The affected part of the ear usually contains blood and pus.
Repeated blows to the ear over time can cause cauliflower ear. The persistent trauma separates the skin from the ear's cartilage. Although the cartilage shrivels up because of blood supply loss, the space created from the separation fills with blood from the ruptured capillaries.
The affected ear must be treated as soon as possible--often by draining and with compression. The longer one waits to treat cauliflower ear, the more it hardens and can become permanent.
Cauliflower ear can be prevented by wearing headgear during sports matches or sparring.
According to The Washington Post article "For Wrestlers, a Swelled Sense of Pride," many wrestlers regard cauliflower ear as honorable badges or scars of battle and masculinity. To them, it is a symbol of a long career of hard work and dedication.