Definition of Tendinosis
Development of Tendinosis
If you injure a tendon because of repetitive movements at work or during physical activity, you can develop tendinosis. If the effected tendon is not permitted to heal properly, tendinosis can develop.
Tendinosis Symptoms
Symptoms of tendinosis include pain when moving the body part afflicted with tendinosis. Other symptoms include stiffness, swelling, redness, or a painful lump. The skin may feel warm to the touch as well.
Treating Tendinosis By Needling or Poking
Doctors can treat tendinosis by inserting a needle into the tendon or poking the tendon various times in order to make it bleed. This encourages the tendon to heal.
Treating Tendinosis Through Blood Injections
Doctors may choose to take blood from your arm and inject it into the tendon. This can stimulate healing or the growth of a new tendon.
Treatment Through the Injection of Plasma Rich in Platelets
Your doctor may decide to take blood from your arm and remove platelets from the plasma. The doctor then uses a needle to inject the plasma into the damaged tendon. This procedure helps the tendon grow.