How to Get Rid of Tendonitis
Sometimes mistaken for arthritis, the pain of tendonitis can be sudden and severe or chronic. The condition is usually temporary, but in some areas of the body, problems with tendonitis can take extra time to heal due to poor blood supply.
Things You'll Need
- Hot and cold packs
- Pain reliever
- Supportive medical aids
Immediate Care
Start treatment quickly. If treatment is delayed, greater damage can be done to the area.
Rest the affected area. Tendonitis in some cases is due to overuse or injury. Trying to work through the pain may cause a more serious or lasting problem.
Apply heat or cold packs to the spot. Alternating packs can be used at 15-minute intervals.
Seek relief for any pain. Doctors often advise aspirin or ibuprofen and, in more serious cases, a steroid injection.
Use aids such as braces, a cane or orthotic devices as needed to provide relief for the affected areas during the healing process.
Use a program of gentle stretching during recovery and to help prevent future damage. Work through your full range of motion when stretching and warm up before you begin working or working out.
Review your habits or your workout for areas where you can improve your technique or make changes that help you avoid injury in the future. Review ergonomic recommendations, proper form and techniques for jobs and exercise. Cut back on your routine until you recover, then build your way back slowly.
Aim for a greater level of overall fitness. Keeping your muscles toned, increasing your strength and endurance level and adding flexibility training to your routine can help you recover more quickly if you are injured and prevent future problems.
Maintain proper posture in order to avoid putting too much stress on one part or one half of the body, creating weakness in the opposite side. Consider a program like yoga, which focuses on balancing both sides of the body.
Try sports massage, physical therapy or ultrasound treatments for persistent or particularly severe cases of tendonitis. Seek the advice of a personal trainer or kinesiology professional to help discover issues with your movement, balance and body structure that may be leading you to injury.